Mar 28, 2010


G.I.Joe : The Rise of Cobra

·Director : Stephen Sommers
·Cast : Channing Tatum, Sienna Miller

First time when I watched this movie, I was surprised. Before watching movie my friend told me,

"This movie is awesome!! So, you should watch this!"

I don't understand my friend. But as soon as I watched movie, I would know what my friend's saying.

If you're watching 'G.I.Joe', you will see Byung - hun Lee.

Who is Byung - hun Lee? This guy is the famous actor in Korea. This point is very interesting. To perform Korean actor in Hollywood movie is a good thing for Korea.

I watched this movie 5 times. This means 'G.I.Joe' is a good movie.

Maybe, this year 'G.I.Joe 2' will come to us. I'm looking forward to release 'G.I.Joe 2'.

Mar 20, 2010

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